World Business Journal talks to Geoffrey Bihamaiso Baitwa, Group Managing Director of BRO Group, covering the company’s evolution from a logistics provider to Ugandans overseas to a major player in the Ugandan oil and gas exploration support sector.
Hong Kong Steps Up Tech Ambitions with Launch of First Commercial HPC Service
Hong Kong has just rolled out its first-ever commercial High-Performance Computing (HPC)...
Following more than a decade of common border closure that began in 2011, Kenya and Somalia have jointly agreed to reopen their land border in 90 days. Last July, the two countries announced their intention to reopen the border, but this never materialized.
World Business Journal was in New York City for the 78th session of the UN General Assembly General Debate, and Vice President Jessica Alupo of Uganda’s address where she spoke about female empowerment, South-South cooperation and Kampala’s plans to...